Support Transparency and Protect Your Rights
In every era, and after every election, the first order of business is to redouble every effort to preserve American democracy and the pillars of freedoms that uphold it. The rights to speak, hear and know what your government is up to are as important as they ever were. Protecting those rights is what we at the First Amendment Foundation do 24/7. So, please join us, donate, follow us and help us protect our freedom of expression as Americans, and our rights to open government as Floridians. To find out more click here. Stand and protect what matters.
Since 1984, the First Amendment Foundation (FAF) has been on the frontlines of advocating for open government, free speech, and public access to information in Florida. Born from a mission to safeguard democracy, FAF works tirelessly to ensure that Floridians can engage with and hold their leaders accountable. But our work is facing growing threats as government transparency becomes increasingly challenged by restrictive measures and hidden agendas. Your support is essential to continue this vital work.
Why Your Contribution Matters As our late founder Pete Weitzel reminds us, “Our task is never-ending, but we’ll hang in there.” Your donation helps FAF provide critical services such as legal aid, public education, and advocacy. With your help, we can continue to fight for open meetings, protect public records, and empower citizens and journalists with the tools they need to navigate their right to information. Board member Carol LoCicero emphasizes, “When you give to FAF, you can feel secure that your money is being used responsibly in support of an open government and, therefore, an informed citizenry.”
How to Donate
Online: Donate securely via PayPal or any Debit/Credit Card here.
By Check? Mail your donation to:
317 E Park Ave Tallahassee, FL 32311
FAF is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible. EIN: 59-2449379
Join the Movement Every donation, no matter the size, amplifies the power of our collective voice. Bob Shaw, board member, encapsulates the importance of your support: “Today, more than ever, the actions—and inactions—of government can affect us enormously. We have the right to call them on it, and FAF is here to make sure that right is protected.”
Take action now. Support FAF and ensure the Sunshine State remains a beacon of transparency and freedom.